Memorable Memory
Neue Kunst Halle St. Gallen, St. Gallen
10 July–29 August 2004
'Memorable Memory' presented a selection of works form the Migros Museum collection in Zurich dealing with memory and a variety of recording methods. The exhibition title refers to the work of Noritoshi Hirakawa. The New York artist interviewed people on the streets recollecting their memories of the day of the death of princess Diana. This video work reflects sundry thoughts both about spreading information through mass media sources and its interconnectedness with the actions of everyday life.
Carlos Amorales, Alighiero e Boetti, Christine Borland, Urs Fischer, Douglas Gordon, Noritoshi Hirakawa, Martin Kippenberger, Jannis Kounellis, Claudia and Julia Müller, Olaf Nicolai, Markus Raetz, Graeme Todd, Ugo Rondinone