Sean Snyder
Neue Kunst Halle St. Gallen, St. Gallen
13 November 2004–16 January 2005
Sean Snyder’s practice in urban and architectural investigation highlights a sophisticated way of thinking through and reorganizing our relationships with space. Using artistic practice as a research method, the resulting exhibition included photography, video, and text elements that traced cultural determinations of the built environment as represented through media. The exhibition of new works acted as a series of encounters in political and architectural inquiry, encouraging viewers to reinterpret their surroundings and redefine elements of aesthetic culture.
Staged in collaboration with De Appel in Amsterdam, Portikus in Frankfurt am Main, and the Secession in Vienna, Recent Works included works such as 'Analepsis' (2003–4), which recontextualized satellite footage alongside television news stories to reorient viewers’ understanding of both landscape and news media, and 'Temporary Occupation' (2003–4), an ongoing project posing inquiries into the spaces of US military action and occupation abroad, bringing to light the global social, economic, and political effects of American militarization. This exhibition pushed the boundaries of the aesthetics of political investigation, blurring the boundaries between documentary and artistic practices.